Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month

All children have the fundamental human right to live their lives free from abuse. Project S.T.O.P. (Stop The Oppressive Predator) is dedicated to educating and raising awareness to help keep our precious children safe from molestation and sexual abuse. In support of April being National Child Abuse Prevention month, we are asking you to join us in observing this month by participating in our Pinwheels for Prevention activity.

Using pinwheel template below, construct it, write the first name of a child you want to protect, support, and/or honor on the pinwheel, take a picture of the pinwheel in a special location, and share with social media while inviting others to join #RITCpinwheels.

This simple activity will have a huge impact on sending the paramount message that we care about our children and will do our part to STOP child abuse!

Download Pinwheel Template

